Monday, November 9, 2009

One Thousand Gifts - Kick Off!

Good Morning Monday,

You've begun with a bang.  I'll take this much needed break in my work day to begin my list of  1,000 gifts of grace.  Here goes nothin' ....

1 - a new "old" house (1 week till closing!)

2 - 8 students' smiling faces on a Monday morning

3 - Veggie bagels from Bagel World

4 - a weekend spent with my love

5 - tickets to my first New England Patriots game (Thanks Uncle Jon!)

6 - an unseasonably warm weekend mid-November

7 - a job I love

8 - listening to my students talk about their heritage for our Heritage Month projects

9- my warm bed and warm bed-fellow

10 - my co-workers

11- packing, with its melancholy and excitement

12- kind neighbors bringing warm soup to the tired packers!

13- Soft guitar strumming from the next room

14- music

15- promise of tomorrow

16- opportunities to serve in small ways - decorating the church for Christmas

17- Your presence - for not ever hiding from me.

Thank you, Lord.  Soli Deo Gloria

holy experience

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