Friday, April 26, 2013


I'm still here. After blogging at least 5 days a week for almost 5 years now (!!), it feels almost sacrilegious to miss a day! Silly, I know. The fact is, these days have been busy. My to-do list is never fully checked, the house is rarely clean and I'm just perpetually feeling behind in all areas of my life. My personality doesn't do well with such things, but I'm slowly learning to live with it. Slowly but surely I'm getting better at prioritizing and letting things go, but it's not necessarily a fun process. Luckily, Brian and Levi are as stress-free as they come, so they provide the perfect antidotes for my crazy. 

So, here's to a weekend of letting go and embracing giggles, hugs, art, music, cars and trains, silly books, friends, church, long walks and numerous bouts of peek-a-boo in a cardboard box...and maybe a few checked boxes off my list. maybe. :)

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