We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to announce
... a "One Lovely Blog Award".

(You can see the rules for this award at the bottom of this post. Of course, I chose the "Fun Rules")
Here are Three lovely things I'm sharing today:
1. This lovely fall weather we're having...
2. My husband, the sweetest person I've ever known
3. God's promises.
2. My husband, the sweetest person I've ever known
3. God's promises.
Here are three lovely blogs that I'm awarding:
1. Kit and Her Caboodle - Kit was my spanish teacher in high school. She is such a great Mom and shares some of their adventures here on her blog. She rocks! (and her daughter, Lucy, is pretty much the cutest thing ever)
2. The Home Economist - Another old friend from youth group days, Melissa is one of the craftiest people I know, especially with her sewing machine and knitting needles. She shares great projects on her site.
3. Cozy Little Cave - Tess is one of my best bloggy friends, we are similar is so many ways. She is a wonderful artist and shares tons of great ideas and projects on her blog.
Check them out!
There are two sets of rules for this award.
1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.
The fun rules for recipients:
1. Put the One Lovely Blog award logo on your blog and/or in a new post.
2. In a new post, share 3 things you think are lovely
3. Pass the award on to 3 fellow bloggers.
4. Link the nominees within your post.
5. Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on their blogs.
6. Share the love and link to the person whom you received the award.
ReplyDeleteThanks for recognizing my blog! I'm glad that you like it! I would pass on the award love to others, but I don't really follow many blogs. Anyway, I would give you a Lovely Blog Award! :-)
ReplyDeleteRemember to include a backlink to the web site you are building links for in each post you make. Relevant