These days, I'm..
- reeling from a non-stop few days, thankful for some quieter days to come
- forcing forsythia from the garden
- looking forward our first Easter weekend at church
- enjoying Brian's article about his baker brother
- pining, just pining for spring (or spring weather, rather)
- hoping our car repairs are minor and inexpensive
- missing Kimmie, reading of her journeys
- joyfully working through my painting
- laughing at Levi's ever blossoming sense of humor
- planning and executing Easter ceremonial piñata 2013 (2009/2010 here)
- working on 3rd quarter evaluations
- trying to be still
- wearing new glasses
- preparing for my spring art show at school
- painting custom pendants
- watching my son play, read, run, draw, talk, experiment and explore
- listening to my husband quote passages from "Romeo and Juliet"; always my favorite time of the his school year
- still amazed and thankful for Dad's clean scan
- welcoming a new piece of art in the kettle; an amazing piece of graffiti-inspired art by a good friend, bought at ArtSpeak.
- feeling altogether thankful and blessed
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