Monday, January 31, 2011

January's End

Thankful this week, for - 

- yet another snow day (4th in 3 weeks!)
- Bananagram Tournament
- community love
- waking up to bacon, eggs and hash browns AND the whole driveway shoveled on our snow day (Thanks, brother Chris!)
- Sufjan's new album
- a good meeting
- hot chocolate made with milk
- surprise briskets
- Evie's new baby boy
- craft day with the girls
- cinnamon rolls
- Bjork time with Enchiladas
- a place to stay warm in the bitter cold


  1. hot chocolate made with milk is really the only way to go. And it's healthier, too, if you're not using hot chocolate mix that has dehydrated milk in it. We switched and can never go back. Oh... and have you ever had coconut milk hot chocolate? TO DIE FOR!!!!

  2. Beautiful photo. Such a blessing to be warm when it is so bitterly cold. Community love... wonderful! Yea for craft day! :)

  3. Wonderful list! I love Bananagrams and of course scrabble! Have you played Appletters? It's made by the same company as Bananagrams. It's kind of a letter dominoes game. Anyway . . . blessings to you this week!

  4. Thanks ladies! And I shall take your suggestions into consideration! Coconut milk hot chocolate sounds yummy and appletters sounds fun!
