Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I know I haven't posted a good project in a while.  Don't worry,  I haven't stopped crafting and creating ... they have just been slow in coming!

I've been working on some lengthier projects recently, a big sewing project (matching sister Easter skirts!), an 8 panel art project for a church wide Bible study and a mosaic made out of contact paper. 

I'm looking forward to sharing these with you!

On another note,

On Saturday night Sea Kettle was graced with the presence of an adorable 2 year old who filled the house with smiles, laughter, dancing and music. It was a lot of fun digging out the children's books and stuffed animals, the mini-plates and tiny utensils, and Brian's basket of percussion instruments...and trying to find out how to make a booster seat! (see our solution below) 

We had a ball.  Big B and I were commenting after they left that we should invite kids over to play more often!


  1. The 2 year old and her big sisters were blessed, too :)

  2. Their mom was just blessed, too ;)
