For the joy of human love,
Brother, sister, parent, child,
Brother, sister, parent, child,
Friends on earth, and friends above,
Pleasures pure and undefiled,
Lord of all, to thee we raise
This our grateful hymn of praise.
621. A blissful and restful week of vacation
622. unexpected vacation for Brian and time to spend together
623. July 3rd, birthday festivities
624. July 4th festivities
625. lots of naps
626. sitting with Lili at church
627. a family reunion
628. Church BBQ, meeting new friends and sitting on the baby blanket
629. Monday morning and Tuesday morning activities...
630. special party favors
631. "Sarah Plain and Tall" dress
632. the Maggiacomos
633. parades, parties, fireworks with the family
634. Salem Willows with the Heindels
635. happy announcements
635. happy announcements

Maybe if you start to call me Lili in written word it will start to roll more naturally from your tongue :)
ReplyDeletePS You're on my thankful list from yesterday, too!
what kind of happy announcements?