Monday, February 1, 2010


holy experience

Psalm 136:26:
Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.

218. freshly cleaned kitchen floors
219. lunch with the BFF
220. salsa and guacamole
221. a good and timely sermon
222. a warm hug after a tough morning
223. sitting in the pew with three generations of McKennas
224. twinkles in my husband's eye
225. hope for the future
226. new members joining our small group
227. dinner and games with some co-workers
228. fresh veggies and marinated chicken stir fry
229. knowing glances between friends
230. peace in times of transition
231. time to rest
232. forever enduring love

Soli Deo Gloria


  1. A beautiful, beautiful blog!
    Salsa and guacamole...a yummy treat indeed!
    But, forever enduring love is the greatest gift...
    Grace to you
