Monday, February 15, 2010

52 Reasons...

As one of this year's valentine gifts for Brian, I decided to create a little book of reasons that I love him.  I've done similar things in the past and it's always interesting to see what things on the list change and what always stay the same.  After 8 years of being together and over 3 years of marriage, by the grace of God, our love continues to grow deeper and deeper for one other.  For that, I am very thankful this Valentine's day.

The book was created out of a pack of pink playing cards and some ribbon.  A very simple, economical and meaningful gift.

First, I typed out 52 reasons that I love Brian, changed fonts, sizes etc, then printed them out.  I cut each one to size and pasted them on each card in the deck.  I punched holes in each card, then tied the tiny book together with red ribbon.  Here's some more inspiration,  from

and here's my version..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello! I found your blog on my sister Susanna's, so I was reading some back entries. My boyfriend and I had our first date (hangout, really :) ) the day before this post (Valentine's 2010)! I am already planning to make something like this for Valentine's 2011. Thank you for the inspiration!

  3. That's awesome! I'm so glad! He'll love husband certainly did!
