Wednesday, September 28, 2011

mid-week confessions

Just in case you were tempted to think otherwise....

- I haven't been to the grocery store since Levi was born.

- There are dirty clothes on the floor; in the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, the craft room, our bedroom, the nursery. Oh wait, that's all of the rooms - darn it. 

- Somedays I feel like super-mom when i manage to remember all of the materials for my art classes, when I get together everything Levi needs while I'm teaching and then teach class as if I had had a full night's sleep...and then I come home to my disaster of a house, my empty refrigerator, my dirty bathroom and my long unchecked to-do list. And then - not so much.

- I think my cat is about to disown me. I'm no fun anymore.

- After the last feeding of the night I very often fall asleep while burping the baby and spend the rest of the night with him cuddled on my chest (Admittedly, I don't feel too bad about this; these will be some of the times I'll miss most about having a snuggly little newborn.)

- I've had my fair share of cry-fests, as I try to figure out how to juggle work and mommy-hood.

- We've been eating a lot of really healthy food. You know, like spaghetti, hot dogs and Annie's mac and cheese.

- Levi is on nothing that resembles a schedule and considering I can't remember my own schedule, I'm not sure how I'm going to put my baby on one...

- Last night I realized that we were out of clorox wipes - and I got a little teary-eyed.

- Last week I locked myself and the baby out of the house. Thank goodness for secret magnetic car key boxes and my parents' house.

- I haven't read the "What to Expect the First Year" book (or any other baby book for that matter) since he was like a week old. So, I guess I don't know if I'm doing it all "right". 

- I worry too much about tomorrow.

- I try to not get too close to my students or co-workers, because I'm well aware that I smell like spit-up.

- I take super long showers these days. I consider them vacation.

- My house plants are dying.

worth it.


  1. you'll get there...I don't know how you are swinging the whole teaching thing! I admire you! It's not easy being a mama!

  2. Sounds like you are doing everything right! Or at least, it sounds like my life, so it must be right. And, is that a guitar on Levi's bum?

  3. Sounds like your life is full of baby goodness! Who needs a clean house?

  4. thanks for the encouragement ladies. Yes, Annie, that is indeed a guitar on his bum. :) We got LOTS of guitar/"Daddy's Little Rock Star" clothes!

  5. Your lil guy has never read a book, therefore, in his mind, you're doing everything JUST RIGHT!!

  6. Agreed, anonymous! :) The documentary "Babies" gives me hope.

  7. You're a girl after my own heart kerrie! Thanks for you honesty!

  8. you are an AMAZING mother. the end.

  9. Kerrie, I can so relate to so much of this! I used to care about how clean my house is but now I'm learning (by necessity) not to sweat the small stuff. Babies are only little for so long- I saw we enjoy them instead! :)

    And I laughed to myself about how you consider your showers a vacation. I feel the EXACT same way.

  10. Hey Kerri - I loved this post. It brought back a lot of memories and for the most part I still relate to so many things. Showers were always ridiculously long - I never left any hot water for anything else. I also slept with Ariy a lot, often because I also fell asleep with him in the middle of the night. And my house, now that I work full time, it is generously just a huge disaster. I am learning to cope. All so worth it. I am so happy for you both!

  11. Umm, Annie's mac n' cheese is delicious and so is spaghetti so that is totally fine:-) And you sure do make it look easy. Reading your blog aaaalmost makes me feel like I'm ready for babies...almost.
