Monday, October 1, 2012

the perfecting

Our knowledge of God is perfected by gratitude: we are thankful and rejoice in the experience of the truth that He is love . . . -Thomas Merton

- Sunday afternoon blogging in a snuggie, next to my cute and warm napping husband
- rainy days and slowly changing leaves
- my candy corn stash
- those long teething naps after those long teething cry fests
- a quite fun and quite successfully thrown baby shower for my bff
- a specially crafted duct-tape gift from one of my middle schoolers
- friend dates
- a new-old phone from Rachel, and perfect timing
- unexpected and mid-week family fun days; apples, cider, farm animals, uncle Chris
- Levi, happily clutching and gnawing on his apple
- the highrock ladies small group, their honesty, care and friendship and the new creative arts group, their passion and inspiration
- forgiveness, unconditional love
- cuddly blanket weather
- my boy, and his adventures

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