Thursday, August 23, 2012

crafts with kerrie (or "awkward fashion shoots with kerrie")

If you have a pinterest account, you've probably seen the plethora of things you can make with old T-shirts. I was in charge of planning a craft for the retreat and decided to lead the group in making t-shirt scarves. The three scarves I chose are crazy-easy to make and way-cute to wear. 

Unfortunately I neglected to take pictures of these lovely ladies with their homemade scarves, so I reluctantly submit the following awkward photos for your humor enjoyment.

make the Frilly Scarf
make the Fringey Scarf
make the Ropey Scarf

(photos taken by the very handsome and multi-talented B. James with the very fun and retro Dreamy Diana lens. and please note that the I had nothing to do with staging the following photos...I'm just lucky enough to be married to someone who is secure enough in his masculinity to wear fashion scarves.)


  1. Interesting post. Now you can use this buyers india directory to promote fashion scarves import & export business.

  2. You look beautifully romantic!! The frilly scarf is my favorite (bet you couldn't have guessed that :)) And Brian looks smokin'!!!!
