I'm forever grateful..
- my student who makes sure the baby and I are never in harms way
- a rabbit and tea gift from that same student
- a long awaited coffee date with Lili
- hang out with our "scottish" friends
- $1 ice cream day at Captain Dusty's
- teaching Abby and Noah how to use watercolors
- nightly belly watching with my love
- an exciting get-together
- garden time with Rachel and Brian...

- my student who makes sure the baby and I are never in harms way
- a rabbit and tea gift from that same student
- a long awaited coffee date with Lili
- hang out with our "scottish" friends
- $1 ice cream day at Captain Dusty's
- teaching Abby and Noah how to use watercolors
- nightly belly watching with my love
- an exciting get-together
- garden time with Rachel and Brian...
New life all around! You look beautiful.