Saturday, May 7, 2011

28 Weeks


  1. I want to guess that you're having a you already know? Are you waiting to be surprised? I look forward to finding out if I'm right or not. :)

  2. Hey Ruth! Most people are guessing boy, so I'm glad to have another vote for girl. :) Yes, we are waiting to be surprised...looking forward to finding out myself!!

  3. Don't be fooled ;) These little buggars have PLENTY of room in there for acrobatics! Maura flipped the day I delivered! In the morning, on the ultrasound, she was head down! 5 hours later, in the ER, she was head up! It was not exactly a pleasant surprise for my OB! She has been keeping me on my toes since the day I found out I was pregnant! I don't foresee it stopping anytime soon ;)

  4. oh and I was 36 weeks to be exact! She's officially full term and should be coming home soon!
