Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dinner at Eight - January Edition

On Saturday, were all set to go out on a fun date but Levi and I got a tummy bug the day before and even though we were feeling ok, we didn't want either of us to get anyone else sick. No babysitter, no date, right? No, we weren't going to give in that easily!
I've been wanting to start a monthly "Dinner at Eight" (inspired by A Bit of Sunshineand this seemed like the perfect night to do so. So we started the kids' bedtime routine a bit early and made sure they were asleep by 7:30 (not a small feat). Then Brian went to work cooking some special ravioli from our local pasta guy and I slipped on a dress and set up the table to create some serious ambience. In 30 minutes, we had ourselves a quiet house and a yummy candlelit dinner. We had dessert and a cocktail in the living room snuggled in piles of blankets and we even managed to watch 1/2 of a romantic comedy. :) It was a really special night and a super cheap date...not a bad recovery, I'd say! February's "Dinner at Eight" is already on my calendar.