Friday, June 27, 2014

farmboy (The Children's Garden, Long Hill)

I've often said that Levi would probably be most happy living on a farm. He loves nothing more than using tools, digging holes, playing in dirt, watering things and wandering around outside on his own accord. Our small urban backyard is not ideal for this sort of thing, but we recently stumbled upon The Children's Garden at Long Hill. Long Hill has been a favorite place for Brian and I for many years, but this was the first time we noticed this awesome little garden set up for kids to play and "work" in. In addition to a beautiful and well kept garden next to a big red barn, there are kid sized rakes, spades, brooms, hoes and watering cans; a wooden well, stepping stones and even a cozy little playhouse covered in vines. Levi happily spent the morning enjoying the sunshine, digging holes, watching the chickens, picking strawberries and just reveling in being a farmer for a while. I have a feeling this is going to become our new favorite summer hang out!

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