Monday, January 21, 2013

speak forth His praise

Let my hands perform His bidding,
Let my feet run in His ways; 
Let my eyes see Jesus only, 
Let my lips speak forth His praise.

- from the hymn, "All for Jesus"

Speaking forth His praise, for...

- many wonderful still-life paintings in progress
- a deep and honest small group discussion
- Brian napping next to me
- music lady day at the PEM, and coffee with Ariel and Elsie
- mild walks in winter
- rocks, flowers, candles
- logistical nightmares, figured out
- new baby Natalie
- strawberry shortcake with some new friends
- Brian and Levi on a hike and me..sleeping until noon. 
- exciting developments in a new venture and helpful friends
- Levi and his love for his "older" friends
- a husband who stays up too late to rub the knots from my neck and wakes up too early to do it again
- a last minute date night thanks to Aunt Katie and Uncle Matt; Uncle Matt's way-awesome fort
- this shorter and more laid-back work week
- Levi, nestling
- blustery days
- a saturday afternoon feast of local breads and steaks with Big C
- a football get together, less for the football and more for the  food and fellowship (and seeing Aunt Debbie and Uncle Roger)
- a fun trip with the grandparents to see the "Hats" exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum ...


  1. Thanks for including Baby Natalie! :)

  2. wow. i never thought i'd see you wearing that color pink. mommy status
